West Africa


Africa: Ready to Respond

The changing story of a vulnerable continent better prepared to respond to pandemics

U.S. Monkeypox Case Contained

But strong international partnerships are needed to keep the virus from spreading in the future


The Africa We Want: Protecting Health and Livelihood

Deepening economic integration to boost intra-African trade requires an equal investment in public health structures


Human Rights and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Governments have an obligation to guarantee the continued protection of the public's rights during and after a pandemic


Combating COVID-19 Without Sacrificing Sustainable Development Goals

We must not stop investing in long-term health projects—even under significant resource constraints in times of pandemic


All Bets Are Off for Measuring Pandemic Preparedness

Three standard measures don't predict how countries fare in COVID-19—so how do we better prepare for the next pandemic?


Shifting Front Lines in West Africa

Leveraging community health promoters to protect vulnerable populations against COVID- 19 and other threats in Nigeria


Medical Diplomacy—Lessons From Cuba

COVID-19 is a chance to design more efficient, equitable, and ethical health care responses during a crisis


COVID-19 Highlights the Need for Universal Health Coverage

Universal health coverage is achievable for all countries—and in the aftermath of the pandemic, it should be implemented


Coronavirus in Nigeria: A Case for Community Engagement

Nigerians should have a sense of ownership in mitigation—how their daily sacrifices help to curb this deadly pandemic


The WHO We Need for the Next Pandemic

The World Health Organization should be more independent, collaborate with NGOs, and increase emphasis on human rights


Africa and Coronavirus—Will Lockdowns Work?

Here's why countries in Africa should chart their own paths in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic—and two ways they can


All Focus Must Turn to Health Care Workers Now

To save ourselves we need to protect the people who risk everything and sacrifice their own safety to save everyone else


An Improbable Success in a Troubled Region

The Ouagadougou Partnership in Francophone West Africa advances access to family planning for health and development