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More than half the world's population now resides in cities. Urbanization in low-income countries could offer billions of people better access to jobs and health-care services and a gateway to the world economy. To reap those benefits, those nations will have to confront the looming health and environmental challenges of urban life. This section examines the ways in which health and infectious diseases shape urbanization, but also the ways in which cities will define the future of global health


Road Safety in Lusaka

Mayor Chilando Chitangala on road safety, public health, and her political ambitions

NATO for Health

Why the health of the world's cities needs a model more like NATO than the WHO


A U.S. Response to Mosquito-Borne Disease Outbreaks

Experts explain what it would take for malaria to become endemic in the United States—and why this is unlikely


Revitalizing Road Safety Regulation in Africa

In 2021, nearly a quarter million motorists and pedestrians were killed on African roads


Drones Deliver Humanitarian Aid in Africa

Unmanned aerial vehicles are transforming last-mile health-care deliveries within sub-Saharan Africa


Examining the Diversity of the Rural United States

How rural health varies by racial and ethnic population


Connecting the Dots Between Climate and Air Quality

Connecting the dots between climate and air quality


Pandemic Urbanism

Emerging infectious disease on a planet of cities


Urban Design and the Shift from "Doing Less Harm" to "Doing Good"

Architects Richard Hassell and Wong Mun Summ on building design that gives back to the community, city, and environment


Obstacles to Healing Asthma

The link between disparities in housing, access to care, and respiratory health among Black Americans


Injuries: A Leading Killer of Youth in Lebanon

Traffic accidents are wreaking havoc on young lives, especially children who are refugees


Cities: Creating Transformative Spaces that Address Climate and Health

Nature-based and social solutions benefit cities in low- and middle-income countries


Learning from Lagos

How a "lite" rapid transit system in the Nigerian city transformed commuting


Syndemic Urbanism: Urban Injustice in Traumatized Cities

How violence, neglect, and health are entangled in urban territories