

Rethinking HIV in an Aging Society

Central to supporting elderly communities is providing people living with HIV better integrated primary care


Tackling Air Pollution Starts at Home

Rapidly developing countries critically need clean household energy  


From Scalpels to Security

Examining the intersection of global surgery, climate change, and human security


Cancer Doesn't Stop For You, Millennial

So don't skip out on your annual wellness exam, a young cancer survivor warns


Putting Women at the Center of HIV Prevention Research—and Beyond

While health-progress continues for many, women and girls continue to be left behind


COVID-19 and Tobacco: Unmasking the Smoke Screen

World No Tobacco Day 2020 exposes the false dichotomy between public health and the economy when it comes to Big Tobacco


What the HIV/AIDS Pandemic Can Teach Us About COVID-19

The impacts of stigma, fear, and bureaucracy in emerging epidemics


Handwashing Is Crucial for Combating Coronavirus

Expanded hand-washing access could save thousands of lives from diseases like COVID-19—especially in low-income settings


Tackling Cancer Through Universal Health Coverage

Turning the tide through prevention, treatment, and other cancer control interventions depends on strong health systems


The Growing Cancer Threat in Africa

Cancer mortality is increasing in sub-Saharan Africa, where the needed health care infrastructure is still lacking


California’s New Truvada Law: Greater Access, But for Whom?

In lower-income settings, improving access to PrEP drugs may rely on financial accessibility despite other efforts