

Cattle Veterinarians Express Confusion over U.S. Response to Bird Flu

Denial and a lack of unity across states are limiting a swift response to the novel outbreak

Aporkalypse Now: Bearded Pigs Face Environmental Peril

How African swine fever created a conservation catastrophe


Poultry Vaccine Hesitancy

When trade restrictions prevent effective public health interventions


How Avian Flu Will Affect Your Thanksgiving

Avian flu, supply chain shortages, and inflation could be unwelcome guests at dinner tables


In Parched Zimbabwe, Climate Change Pushes Tsetse to New Areas

Health experts will monitor tsetse-caused sleeping sickness to stem its spread


Limited Information Hampers Understanding of U.S. Farmed Mink Outbreaks

Comparing the U.S. and Danish responses to COVID-19 outbreaks in mink populations


“Less a Leper Than I Have Been”

Book of documentary poetry recalls Louisiana's Carville Hospital and early 20th century experience of leprosy in America


Coronavirus—Unknown Source, Unrecognized Spread, and Pandemic Potential

With novel coronavirus expected to become pandemic, it’s past time to prioritize Africa where cases are likely occurring


UPDATED: Timeline of the Coronavirus

A frequently updated tracker of emerging developments from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic


The Market, the Clinic, the Lung, and the Lab

An interview with University of Iowa expert Stanley Perlman on what we know and what we don’t about the new coronavirus


Why Global Governance of Disease Matters for the Emergence of a Novel Coronavirus

As WHO manages outbreak, how can we strengthen global governance tools and ensure existing systems fit an evolving world


The Politics of the Coronavirus Outbreak

Why are outbreaks common in Asia, and what political choices can governments make to reduce risk of infectious diseases?


Will “Mysterious” Virus Soon be Named?

The WHO is forming a committee to pick an official name for 2019-nCoV, the new coronavirus—but what do we do until then?