

Kenya's Fluoride Problem

Heavy fluoride in Kenya's water supply has consequences for the country's health and economy

Five Billion Reasons for Ramping Up Global Surgery

Creating surgical and anesthesia capacity is a win for pandemic preparedness


Falling Through the Cracks: COVID-19 and the Rise of Maternal Deaths in Africa

Africa’s unified pandemic response has saved lives, but reduced access to routine services puts women’s health in danger


The Unpaid Debt of Underinvestment in Public Health

Limited progress on the social determinants of health has left populations in Kenya and elsewhere vulnerable to COVID-19


We Need a Greater Commitment to Community Health

Community health care should be enshrined in national and local budgets, similar to education and other health spending


What We Ask About Coronavirus in Africa

Search query data from 21 African countries reveal public perceptions, gaps in knowledge, and opportunities to educate


Coronavirus in East Africa

Disease-induced divisions and challenges to regional blocs are set to deepen in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic