New York


Harlem to Harare

Dr. Mary Bassett on how her upbringing and decades in Africa influenced her thinking about health in the United States


One Year From the Front Lines of COVID-19 in New York City

Frontline providers found a solution to communication breakdown during the pandemic: talking to each other


Back to Basics After COVID-19

Investing in Primary Care Now Will Prepare the U.S. for the Next Pandemic


Age in the Age of COVID-19

Ageism and the opportunity to be different


COVID-19 This Week—The Looming Question: Internal Travel Restrictions

To reduce risk, we must close bars and other indoor spaces, reduce crowds, mask up, wash hands, and increase distancing


COVID-19 This Week: The Tide Is Beginning to Turn, But Is Still Very High

The better we understand coronavirus, our risk, and our response with real-time intelligence, the better we can fight it


COVID-19 This Week: On the Brink

The United States is a global outlier—a long way from vaccines or containment, even as we consider reopening schools


Coronavirus Epidemiology This Week

We won’t stop COVID-19 until we focus on the data that matter


One Weak Link and the Whole Thing Falls Apart

A more structured, uniform, and comprehensive U.S. approach is needed to collect, report, and analyze coronavirus data


Collateral Damage of the U.S. Withdrawal from the WHO: Frontline Responders

Retreating from WHO in the middle of a pandemic dishonors and endangers health-care workers at home and around the globe


Masks: The Easiest Way to Save Lives and Spare Jobs

All U.S. states have a long way to go on achieving widespread public mask use—which could save 33,000 lives by October 1


Ten Million Tests in Ten Days

Inside Wuhan’s massive COVID-19 testing campaign, which China is expected to repeat elsewhere—just not with antibodies


I Am an ER Doctor in New York City

The unseen mental and emotional cost of the COVID-19 pandemic—chronicled in the journals of one emergency physician