

Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Begin Final Stretch: What To Expect

With final negotiations set for late April, two experts explain the nuances of the Pandemic Agreement's latest draft

Eyes on Disease X: Ranking the Next Pandemic

University of California, Davis has expanded its SpillOver tool to assess the pandemic potential of dangerous pathogens


The Endgame for Global Health Governance Negotiations

Talks to finalize a pandemic agreement and IHR amendments enter decisive stages as the world's divisions deepen


Efforts Against Flu Show Developing Nations Can Make Vaccines 

WHO's global plan for influenza vaccines blazed a trail for more vaccine production in low- and middle-income countries


Leaders Should Recognize That Global Health Is a Security Issue

“International cooperation is the only way to escape the cycle of panic and neglect,” says Croatia’s former president


Foreign Policy and Global Health in a Multipolar, Multi-Crisis World

After COVID, foreign policy on global health operates in a different political ecosystem


Pandemic Fund to Africa: Step to the Back of the Line

Missed opportunities for impact in Africa in the Pandemic Fund’s first round of grants


Pandemic Urbanism

Emerging infectious disease on a planet of cities


Rethinking Financial Estimates for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

Current estimates do not share a standardized methodology for predicting the costs or scope of PPR


PEPFAR's Twentieth Anniversary Might Be Its Last

Proposed changes to the mold-breaking program could break it for good


At Bali, the G20 Confronts Multidimensional Crises with Empty Diplomatic Rhetoric

The summit revealed the G20's and global health's vulnerabilities in a geopolitical world