

In India, Climate Change Drives Pesticide Use, Harming Farmers' Health

As temperatures rise, farmworkers turn to using more potent pesticides, putting themselves at further risk

The Mysterious Kidney Illness Rising Among Sri Lankan Farmers

Are pesticides in drinking water to blame for kidney disease among young farmers?


You Can’t Eat Tobacco

Transitioning away from tobacco farming can improve food security


Rethinking Farming in Rwanda

The Rwandan Institute for Conservation Agriculture wants to empower small farmers


Seeds: An Unlikely Casualty of the War in Ukraine

How history—and future crops—were lost when Russia attacked a scientific warehouse for valuable plants and seeds


Pig Pandemics and Other "Epizootic" Threats

COVID-19 is scary, and so are disease outbreaks in animals—they cause great economic devastation and disrupt human lives


Climate Change, the Kidney Killer

Is chronic kidney disease the canary in the coal mine in terms of feeling the health impacts of climate change?