Mental Health


Mental Health Care in Rwanda: Three Decades of Resilience

Insights into Rwanda's strategies and successes in building mental health services after genocide

Roadblocks to Gen Z's Mental Health Care

Struggles felt by Gen Z spotlight the issues of mental health-care access in the United States


Climate Change’s Hidden Mental Toll On Children

New evidence reveals that the climate crisis affects neurological and mental well-being more than previously understood


A Neglected Challenge of Mental Health

Latin American and Caribbean countries rank among the world’s happiest, but mental health remains an undiscussed issue


How to Save Mothers

Addressing perinatal depression can improve pregnant women’s mental health     


Global Progress on Mental Health

Ten years into the WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan


Religion’s Role in Mental Health

Spirituality has known benefits to an individual’s mental health and well-being


The Toll of Violence on Women and Youth in Iran

A "pervasive trauma is seeping through Iran," affecting the mental health of women and children


Spirituality and Mental Health

A movement blossoming in the Philippines among health and religious leaders aims to incorporate spirituality into health


Protecting Mental Health in the Era of a Warming Planet

It's often forgotten that mental health is influenced by climate change


The Quest for Social Connection and Well-Being

Scientists have been slow at developing strategies that measure and promote well-being within communities


The Power of Health Information for People with Disabilities

Knowledge gaps, data deficits, and stigma have stalled access to health information and care