World Health Organization


Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Begin Final Stretch: What To Expect

With final negotiations set for late April, two experts explain the nuances of the Pandemic Agreement's latest draft

The Endgame for Global Health Governance Negotiations

Talks to finalize a pandemic agreement and IHR amendments enter decisive stages as the world's divisions deepen


2024 WHO Board Meeting: Flexible Finances and Global Crises Top Agenda

The WHO executive board to discuss investment round proposal, “polycrises,” and pandemics


Topics Creating Buzz Ahead of WHO's Upcoming Executive Board Meeting

The January 30, 2023, meeting is consequential after a formative year for global health


Visibly Invisible: Taiwan and Global Health

The legacy of the past and practices of the present, dictate whose voices are heard


The World Health Assembly Takes Steps Toward Global Health Reforms

Countries began to reshape global health governance but left themselves room to change course


Tucker Carlson Blasts the Pandemic Treaty as a Threat to the American Way of Life

The Fox News pundit joined the global health debate and invited viewers to think about what he said—so I did


Five Questions for the World Health Assembly

The assembly meets as global health transitions into a dangerous post-COVID world


Disarming Russia's Bioweapons Disinformation

Protecting Ukraine's laboratory infrastructure is crucial to prevent a health crisis