Heart Disease


India's Call for Action on Noncommunicable Diseases

Noncommunicable diseases cause the majority of deaths in India, but public health responses fall short

Casualties of COVID: Insulin and Dialysis 

How the pandemic has been life-threatening to people living with diabetes and chronic kidney disease


Tackling the World’s Most Vexing Diseases Through Data

A call to re-shape the way policymakers make health decisions by getting the most cost-effective priorities straight


COVID-19 and Tobacco: Unmasking the Smoke Screen

World No Tobacco Day 2020 exposes the false dichotomy between public health and the economy when it comes to Big Tobacco


Why Social Policies Make Coronavirus Worse

Too late for COVID-19, but strengthening safety nets and health security in U.S. would help us respond to future threats


A Russian Prescription to Reduce Alcohol Use

Sustained changes to alcohol policy in Russia have contributed to big gains in life expectancy