
Using Game Theory to Advance the Pandemic Agreement

Rewarding drug manufacturers for sharing vaccine doses could break the impasse in negotiations

U.S. Disinformation Plan Put Geopolitics Above Global Health

Covert U.S. information operations during COVID-19 expose the dangers that global health faces when rival powers compete


Health Policy Takeaways from 2024's First U.S. Presidential Debate

Where the presidential debate mentioned or missed on COVID responses, drug pricing, Medicare, and reproductive health


Why Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Failed to Land

Months of negotiations and a final weeklong push ended with impasses over technology sharing and accountability measures


Safeguarding the Pandemic Agreement from Disinformation

A sustained disinformation campaign worldwide is undermining the highly anticipated pandemic agreement


Inside the Global Burden of Disease Study

IHME Director Christopher Murray recounts the study's role in shaping global policy and how collaborators overcame COVID


The New U.S. Strategy on Global Health Security

The strategy seeks to make U.S. foreign policy on global health more effective


Pandemic Prevention Begins at Home

Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations could enable timely outbreak reporting at the local level


Where COVID Has Shifted Flu and RSV Seasons

In some countries, peaks in flu hospitalizations occurred 4.3 weeks early on average relative to the pre-COVID era


A Virus Hunter's Struggle for Respect in Post-COVID China

Zhang Yongzhen's recent ordeal is an interplay of personal, cultural, institutional, and political factors


Moderna Cancels Kenya Vaccine Project Due to Familiar Economic Hurdles

The cancellation reminds the world that more efforts are needed for equitable vaccine distribution


Lessons From Africa for Future-Proofing Global Health

Africa's response to COVID-19 provides valuable insight for organizations seeking to make meaningful change


Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Begin Final Stretch: What To Expect

With final negotiations set for late April, two experts explain the nuances of the Pandemic Agreement's latest draft


The Endgame for Global Health Governance Negotiations

Talks to finalize a pandemic agreement and IHR amendments enter decisive stages as the world's divisions deepen