
The PEPFAR Files: How Critics Put the HIV Program at Risk

Over the program's 21-year history, its essential components were either critiqued or glossed over, hurting its survival

The PEPFAR Files: Who Tried to End the Lifesaving HIV Program?

The first in a three-part series explores why the popular global health program is under threat


Global Health and the "Second Independence of Africa"

Plans for a new public health order for Africa are central to the continent's future in a geopolitical world


PEPFAR HIV Program Gets Yearlong Lifeline: What's Next?

PEPFAR's former chief of staff describes why its latest reauthorization still spells uncertainty for the program


Retreat from Global HIV Fight Puts U.S. Health At Risk

With news that HIV/AIDS funding is stalled, Congress should remember the AIDS epidemic and commit to funding PEPFAR


Rethinking HIV in an Aging Society

Central to supporting elderly communities is providing people living with HIV better integrated primary care


Africa's Crisis of Trust

How vaccine inequities and geopolitical shifts have eroded Africa’s trust in U.S. aid


Inside the New Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy

An interview with Ambassador-at-Large John Nkengasong


PEPFAR Reauthorization on the Horizon

What could happen if the United States’ signature initiative on global health is not reauthorized


In South Africa, Much More Than an Investment in HIV

Quarraisha Abdool Karim, UNAIDS special ambassador for adolescents and HIV, on "building one house" for health


PEPFAR in a Global Democratic Recession

At age twenty, PEPFAR's continued success depends on weathering an illiberal wave worldwide


PEPFAR Meets Climate Change

Another president's emergency plan for another global health crisis


PEPFAR's Twentieth Anniversary Might Be Its Last

Proposed changes to the mold-breaking program could break it for good