Doña Moleka

oña Moleka is a dedicated professional with a background in business development, marketing, program management, capacity building and advocacy. Currently serving as the General Manager for a business development firm in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Doña brings leadership skills and strategic vision to drive growth and innovation. With experience in marketing, communication and program management, particularly in sexual and reproductive health, where she spent most of her career, Doña has successfully implemented effective social marketing strategies to bring about behavioral changes in the community she served. Beyond her professional achievements, Doña is a certified professional coach specializing in life, mindset, and leadership coaching. Through her coaching practice, she supports individuals in unlocking their potential and overcoming challenges. As a Sickle Cell warrior herself, Doña founded S'POIR, a platform advocating for awareness of Sickle Cell disease. She strives to ensure that individuals affected by the condition receive equal opportunities and support to lead fulfilling lives. Through her work, coaching and advocacy, Doña is committed to empowering individuals and organizations. Her ultimate goal is to create a world where everyone has equal access to opportunities and the ability to thrive.


Hope for a Neglected Condition

An interview with an organizer and activist born with sickle cell disease in the DRC, plus a leading medical expert